6 Home Office Lighting Ideas You Will Love

Home office lighting is important, especially if you’re working at home like so many people now are. Poor lighting not only looks bad, but it can negatively affect your eyes. This can lead to discomfort and headaches, along with fatigue. But with a few tweaks, you can have a well-lit office space. Here are some home office lighting ideas that will enhance your work environment:

1. Maximize Natural Light
If at all possible, try to maximize any natural light coming into your office space. Natural sunlight is one of the best lighting options, if available. It creates a warm glow and enhances your work environment.

To take advantage of natural light, remember to keep the light in front of you or beside you. This avoids harsh glares on any screens you might be working from and allows you to have an outdoor view.

If you’d like to avoid the light producing shadows at any time of the day, position your work area north or south. If this isn’t possible, consider utilizing solar shades that allow light in, but soften the light and heat of the sun. Getting the light right is one of the ways to design a productive home office.

2. Indirect Lighting
One of the things to keep in mind is to avoid working under harsh, overhead lighting. Ignoring details and getting the lighting wrong are a few mistakes to avoid when designing a home office. Look for ways to better illuminate your space, like lamps.

Pick lamps that have lampshades to soften and distribute the light evenly. Floor lamps that point upwards bounce light off the walls and ceiling. The goal with indirect lighting is to evenly light up your space without harsh glares and shadows.

3. Task Lighting
If you are doing a lot of paperwork or computer work, pick lighting that will focus on your tasks. Choose an adjustable desk lamp that allows you to direct light exactly where you want it. If you have multiple workstations in your office space, be sure each area has task lighting available as well.

4. Ambient and Corrective Lighting
Eye strain is a serious problem that can arise while working long hours on a screen. Adding some ambient lighting will soften any harsh lighting and can help ease eye strain.

Pick a light that offers different hues so you can adjust to the right setting for your office setting. Making sure you have good lighting like this can help protect your eyes and also create a more ergonomic home office.

5. Track Lighting
While overhead lighting can often be harsh, track lighting is a good way to have overhead lighting with the typical harsh tones. Installing track lighting near your workspace can offer bright lighting to inspire focus.

Look for lighting that can be adjusted so you can aim the light where it is most needed. Or, you can aim track lighting to bounce off the walls to evenly distribute light.

6. Smart Light Bulbs
Smart light bulbs are a great choice for your home office lighting. They allow you to control your lighting over WiFi. You’ll be able to brighten or dim your lights, all from the ease of your smartphone or with an included button. Some bulbs even offer different washes of color, which can be customized to give you the best ambiance for your space.

Proper office lighting will help you create an enjoyable and pleasing work environment. Implementing some of these home office lighting ideas will greatly improve your workspace.